We Serve

Scoil Chiarain is a specialist school providing for the academic, personal and social needs of pupils ranging in age from five to eighteen years with overall developmental delay (mild), who can best benefit educationally by being placed in Scoil Chiarain.



Our Ethos is

Scoil Chiarain is a school whose ethos is Christian in the Catholic tradition, open and welcoming to those of other religions. The principles of equality, participation and respect for difference ensure that in Scoil Chiarain all members of the community are valued and have a role in it’s development.



Our School Delivers

Scoil Chiarain provides a specialist curriculum. It strives to maximise the learning skills, social skills, self worth and sense of independence of it’s pupils. There is a caring, co-operative, sharing and learning culture which is positively endorsed by the whole school community and fully support by school management.



We Link to Others

Scoil Chiarain seeks to forge links with the wider community through it’s contact with mainstream and other specialist schools, community services and with the centres of teacher education.

Latest News

26 July 2021
12 October 2023
19 June 2020




St. Canice's Rd,


Dublin 11,

D11 VK64



[email protected]

School enrolments: 
[email protected]

Staff vacancies: 
[email protected]

Telephone: (01) 8370622
Fax: (01) 8379005